Technology, Children and Mental health!

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Technology invaded our daily life in every aspect of it in an unprecedented way. From the bed room the first thing we touch or deal with in technology till the last thing in our day would be a piece of technology before we close our eyes to sleep.

Technology is very helpful but it could be very distracting element in our life as well. As adults we need to settle, staying connected with and through these devices won’t help us to settle and wind down, aka to unplug and disconnect.

As parents thinking technology is the way of the future then let’s get our children hocked to it so they become more familiar with technology later on in their lives. Maybe becoming more techs savvy and develop a career in a field that is making lots of money.

Never the case, for children and teens parents should have more interaction with their children to help them develop soft skills technology won’t do, back in our previous post, Miss Sue discussed the question if we should give children the freedom with technology, you can check it if you like by pressing this link for more details;

Today the studies are showing that more parents are giving their preschoolers access to technology thinking to keep those babies entertained is rather a good thing to do in life, the kids will be entertained while parents can do what they like in their lives. Studies have come to conclude that preschoolers are not yet developed enough to deal with technology on extended periods of time. The long term consequences are not healthy for the child or the parents. The kids are more likely to develop mental issues which would reflect on the parents with more emotional stress and financial hardship.

This new study concluded that setting structure in the child life, limiting access to screen time and technology to the minimal and the old good physical activities are still able to promote healthier life for the children and develop skills the child won’t learn and experience otherwise.

Here you can have access to the abc reporting on this study;

Till next time, remember of words and actions do really matter!

Published by Z.

Welcome to our blog! As society grows more complicated with technology, we realize a need in the segment of early childhood leadership advice and ideas, so Miss Sue and I co-founded this blog to put some focus on the subject. You don’t need to read long articles or books to get some of these ideas and tips on how to deal with your kids growing up, we will help you with that! I hope you will have an excellent experience at this blog and we would love to hear back from you. Thank you for visiting, and happy learning!

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