The dichotomy of an interpreter bucket!

When I worked as an interpreter, I carried with me a bucket daily!A virtual one not a literal bucket, because that would be really weird. Like all other people do, going by their daily life. My bucket was fast filling and emptying as the day and encounter went on. One same encounter could add andContinue reading “The dichotomy of an interpreter bucket!”

To Complain or not!

People advice us to stop complaining. To be positive. To just go do it. I would say the opposite! Complain It. Let that negative charge get out of you. Focus on what you’re complaining about. Write it down. Contemplate it. Think about it. Think about the root cause of what is it that you’re botheredContinue reading “To Complain or not!”

Technology, Children and Development!

In this new post, which is a continuation to my previous one, titled ( Technology, Children and Mental health! ) I continue to discuss the impact on children (especially within the age group of 0 – 5 ) using technology as a source of entertainment and an education resource. As I presented in the previousContinue reading “Technology, Children and Development!”

Communication in Negative conditions

In any environment whether that is at home, or work, at school or the social club, or even at the Church. We encounter people of different ages and backgrounds. We can agree with them on things but disagree on other things. We might hear a message that make us feel bad. We might even understandContinue reading “Communication in Negative conditions”

Focus on your Mission ~ Achieve the Goal!

The goal of every leader, whether that was at work or home is to achieve the goals envisioned. An effective leader is the one that is respected but not feared. One that inspires but doesn’t dictate. A leader that focuses on the well being of the people, and not only the bottom lines. A leaderContinue reading “Focus on your Mission ~ Achieve the Goal!”