Crisis and leadership!

As the #crisis of corona virus continues to evolve, its ramifications on the economy are tremendous. Companies have started to layoff and furlough their people. As a leader in your business, try do your best to focus on the following points : – Create a climate of #trust in your organization/office. Trust is very important.Continue reading “Crisis and leadership!”

Successful Relationships… Which is first?

In our last post about Successful Relationships we talked about the importance of our relationships in our lives and especially the successful relationships. If you haven’t read it, I would encourage you to read it on this link to make better sense from this post. Well that’s good, but the question arises, which relationship is more importantContinue reading “Successful Relationships… Which is first?”

Successful Relationships

In our lives sometimes we question the connections we build. Those that are in close ties and loose ties. We wonder what to do in some situations, and which path to take when a relationship doesn’t go as we wish. These connections could be with people at school that we call classmates, or at workContinue reading “Successful Relationships”