Technology use among Today’s Teens vs. 25 Years Ago

“Be there at 8 pm on the dot or I will leave.” That’s what my Dad usually said if I asked him for a ride home from anywhere. I am grateful that my dad taught me about valuing time and responsibility. There were no text messages back in those days giving me a heads upContinue reading “Technology use among Today’s Teens vs. 25 Years Ago”

Technology, Children and Development!

In this new post, which is a continuation to my previous one, titled ( Technology, Children and Mental health! ) I continue to discuss the impact on children (especially within the age group of 0 – 5 ) using technology as a source of entertainment and an education resource. As I presented in the previousContinue reading “Technology, Children and Development!”

Technology, Children and Mental health!

Technology invaded our daily life in every aspect of it in an unprecedented way. From the bed room the first thing we touch or deal with in technology till the last thing in our day would be a piece of technology before we close our eyes to sleep. Technology is very helpful but it couldContinue reading “Technology, Children and Mental health!”

Successful Relationships

In our lives sometimes we question the connections we build. Those that are in close ties and loose ties. We wonder what to do in some situations, and which path to take when a relationship doesn’t go as we wish. These connections could be with people at school that we call classmates, or at workContinue reading “Successful Relationships”