Book Review: Lost and Found by Natalie Shampanier

Hello everyone! I’m back with another book review! Today’s review is about the story, “Lost and Found” by Natalie Shampanier. This is a children’s picture book best suited for ages 2-8 years old. It’s a lovely story about finding a place to belong. This book might be short, but it’s full of attractive illustrations thatContinue reading “Book Review: Lost and Found by Natalie Shampanier”

5 ways to Encourage Language Development in Young Children

Have you ever heard a baby make a coo sound? Isn’t it just the most precious thing? Parents are so excited when they hear their newborn start to

Tips Tuesday: Follow Through!

Today is Tips Tuesday! Advice for anyone taking care children- (although this applies to all of us whether taking care of kids or not!) Follow through is really important! Keep your word. If you promise something, keep that promise. If your kids are having challenging behaviors and you tell them about a consequence, make sureContinue reading “Tips Tuesday: Follow Through!”

Book Review: I Can Read! Phonics: Pete the Cat Phonics Box

Today I have a boxed set of books that I’d like to tell you about! I received them recently as a birthday gift from a friend. The set is called “I Can Read Phonics: Pete the Cat Phonics Box.”

Keep Calm and Parent On!

The parent educator I work with put this poster on the wall in our parenting room at school! (Strategically placed above the coffee machine 😉) Wise advice here! It’s important to have some perspective before we react. I especially like the question- what do you look like when you’re yelling? Until next time, remember, our wordsContinue reading “Keep Calm and Parent On!”

Kids in the Kitchen Series: Homemade Pudding Pops

Happy Summer everybody! I hope you’re all having a great time this summer. Today I have a new recipe for you and your kids to do together! So let’s dive in! Pudding pops are cool and tasty! A great treat for a hot summer day! This is a pretty simple thing to make. Let theContinue reading “Kids in the Kitchen Series: Homemade Pudding Pops”

Saturday Thoughts: Lead by Example

Today’s Saturday Thought quote is from a wonderful book in my collection: “Chicken Soup for the Teacher’s Soul” by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. If we expect our kids to behave a certain way or develop certain habits or skills, we need to lead by example. It sounds obvious and easy right? Let’s doContinue reading “Saturday Thoughts: Lead by Example”