The dichotomy of an interpreter bucket!

When I worked as an interpreter, I carried with me a bucket daily!A virtual one not a literal bucket, because that would be really weird. Like all other people do, going by their daily life. My bucket was fast filling and emptying as the day and encounter went on. One same encounter could add andContinue reading “The dichotomy of an interpreter bucket!”

To Complain or not!

People advice us to stop complaining. To be positive. To just go do it. I would say the opposite! Complain It. Let that negative charge get out of you. Focus on what you’re complaining about. Write it down. Contemplate it. Think about it. Think about the root cause of what is it that you’re botheredContinue reading “To Complain or not!”

Stop Saying “Good Job”

 “Good job” is a generic way to give someone praise. We all get caught up in saying it! So, what should we say instead?? Here are a few phrases that could work! They are more neutral yet still give the receiving person satisfaction. Watch this 30 second video. If you enjoy it, please give itContinue reading “Stop Saying “Good Job””

Can We?

We can program our brains and change its response with the approach we take and the attitude we follow. We can say ……………and……………. Our Brain Response I can’t. You can’t. Can I? No mostly. How can I? Your brain will find a way. Our brains usually tend to take the easy way out. When weContinue reading “Can We?”

Crisis and leadership!

As the #crisis of corona virus continues to evolve, its ramifications on the economy are tremendous. Companies have started to layoff and furlough their people. As a leader in your business, try do your best to focus on the following points : – Create a climate of #trust in your organization/office. Trust is very important.Continue reading “Crisis and leadership!”

Tips Tuesday: Follow Through!

Today is Tips Tuesday! Advice for anyone taking care children- (although this applies to all of us whether taking care of kids or not!) Follow through is really important! Keep your word. If you promise something, keep that promise. If your kids are having challenging behaviors and you tell them about a consequence, make sureContinue reading “Tips Tuesday: Follow Through!”

The Team: Just A Group Of People?

A truly functional team is a group of people where all the members of that team are respected, treated equally, have a stake in the game, equity as needed, and have the same opportunity. They share a goal. This group of people should be able to express their opinions freely without the fear of retaliation,Continue reading “The Team: Just A Group Of People?”

Congratulations Graduates!

It’s that time of year again! High school and college graduation! Congratulations to all 2019 high school and college graduates! Graduating is a huge accomplishment! You did it!! Whatever your next step is in your journey of this thing called life- I wish you well! Make each day count and enjoy all that life hasContinue reading “Congratulations Graduates!”