The dichotomy of an interpreter bucket!

When I worked as an interpreter, I carried with me a bucket daily!A virtual one not a literal bucket, because that would be really weird. Like all other people do, going by their daily life. My bucket was fast filling and emptying as the day and encounter went on. One same encounter could add andContinue reading “The dichotomy of an interpreter bucket!”

Crisis and leadership!

As the #crisis of corona virus continues to evolve, its ramifications on the economy are tremendous. Companies have started to layoff and furlough their people. As a leader in your business, try do your best to focus on the following points : – Create a climate of #trust in your organization/office. Trust is very important.Continue reading “Crisis and leadership!”

Nothing is more precious!

Photo by Pixabay on It’s almost June 2018. Can you believe it, 6 months of this year is already gone? How did time run so fast? There are many things in our lives that are so precious, or at least that’s how we feel about them. One would say my home, another would sayContinue reading “Nothing is more precious!”