The dichotomy of an interpreter bucket!

When I worked as an interpreter, I carried with me a bucket daily!A virtual one not a literal bucket, because that would be really weird. Like all other people do, going by their daily life. My bucket was fast filling and emptying as the day and encounter went on. One same encounter could add andContinue reading “The dichotomy of an interpreter bucket!”

Technology use among Today’s Teens vs. 25 Years Ago

“Be there at 8 pm on the dot or I will leave.” That’s what my Dad usually said if I asked him for a ride home from anywhere. I am grateful that my dad taught me about valuing time and responsibility. There were no text messages back in those days giving me a heads upContinue reading “Technology use among Today’s Teens vs. 25 Years Ago”

Technology, Children and Development!

In this new post, which is a continuation to my previous one, titled ( Technology, Children and Mental health! ) I continue to discuss the impact on children (especially within the age group of 0 – 5 ) using technology as a source of entertainment and an education resource. As I presented in the previousContinue reading “Technology, Children and Development!”

Communication in Negative conditions

In any environment whether that is at home, or work, at school or the social club, or even at the Church. We encounter people of different ages and backgrounds. We can agree with them on things but disagree on other things. We might hear a message that make us feel bad. We might even understandContinue reading “Communication in Negative conditions”

Children’s Book Review: Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes by Eric Litwin

Today I have a fun children’s book to tell you about! It is titled, “Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes.”

Children’s Book Review: Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes By Eric Litwin

Today I’d like to introduce you to a wonderful book! It’s titled, “Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes.” Pete the Cat has become very popular over the last few years, with several titles in the series. This is the “original” Pete the Cat story!

How to Help Kids Make Friends

A new school year is about to begin for many children, which means catching up with school pals, and for other children it may mean finding new friends. Some kids make friends very easily- it just comes naturally for them. But some kids may feel shy or worried about meeting and making new friends.