How to Prepare Kids returning to In Person Learning

Many teachers and students are returning to in person learning at school or already have done so. For those of you with kids about to return, have you prepared them for it?

5 ways to Encourage Language Development in Young Children

Have you ever heard a baby make a coo sound? Isn’t it just the most precious thing? Parents are so excited when they hear their newborn start to

Kids in the Kitchen Series: Mini Pizzas

Happy weekend to you all! I hope everyone has taken time to relax and spend a little quality time with loved ones. This is my second post in my “Kids in the Kitchen” series. Today I’d like to introduce you to mini pizzas! Mini pizzas are sure to be a favorite with your kiddos! TheContinue reading “Kids in the Kitchen Series: Mini Pizzas”

How to Prepare Kids to Deal with New Teachers

All summer long children have been around familiar adults- their parents, relatives, caregivers, and so on. But soon your kids will be spending the majority of their day with new adults- essentially strangers. A fair amount of kids may be really excited to meet these new teachers, while other may be dreading it and feeling anxious. So how can you help ease this transition? I have a few ideas.

How to Help Kids Make Friends

A new school year is about to begin for many children, which means catching up with school pals, and for other children it may mean finding new friends. Some kids make friends very easily- it just comes naturally for them. But some kids may feel shy or worried about meeting and making new friends.

How to Prepare Children for the 1st Day of School

Summer is flying by and I can’t help but think, “Is it really August already? How can this be?” I recently read a quote that seems appropriate-
“August is like the Sunday of Summer.”
Yes, yes it is.

Children’s Book Review: “Peter’s Chair” by Ezra Jack Keats

Peter is a young boy, perhaps around the age of 4 or 5. He has a new baby sister, so he is not the baby of the family anymore.