Helping Young Children Adjust to New Routines at School or Childcare

Forming and keeping new routines at school and childcare can be very challenging. They can be especially difficult for very young children, ages infant-5 years old.

How to Help Kids Make Friends

A new school year is about to begin for many children, which means catching up with school pals, and for other children it may mean finding new friends. Some kids make friends very easily- it just comes naturally for them. But some kids may feel shy or worried about meeting and making new friends.

How to Prepare Children for the 1st Day of School

Summer is flying by and I can’t help but think, “Is it really August already? How can this be?” I recently read a quote that seems appropriate-
“August is like the Sunday of Summer.”
Yes, yes it is.

Successful Relationships… Which is first?

In our last post about Successful Relationships we talked about the importance of our relationships in our lives and especially the successful relationships. If you haven’t read it, I would encourage you to read it on this link to make better sense from this post. Well that’s good, but the question arises, which relationship is more importantContinue reading “Successful Relationships… Which is first?”

Successful Relationships

In our lives sometimes we question the connections we build. Those that are in close ties and loose ties. We wonder what to do in some situations, and which path to take when a relationship doesn’t go as we wish. These connections could be with people at school that we call classmates, or at workContinue reading “Successful Relationships”